Weblify’s Mission: To Stop The Disease That Is Killing Small Businesses.

Sean O'Donoghue Morgan
9 min readSep 3, 2019


Small and Medium sized businesses tend to spend a lot of money on things that don’t get them new customers. And yet they are ignoring one of the easiest ways to grow new business due to a blind spot. You could even call it a contagion because businesses are merely surviving and dying because of a myth that is spreading.

Hi, Sean Morgan here, I’m a marketing consultant with Weblify.

When you hear the word marketing, you probably think about billboards or print ads… or perhaps you think about social media, seo, and digital ads.

Actually, I’m going to talk to you about an even more obvious way to get new clients and how to convert prospects into qualified leads.

This method is so obvious and simple and yet most small business decision makers don’t consider it.

Our mission at Weblify is to cure this disease that is killing small businesses. And that disease is called: “Website Procrastination”.

“Website Procrastination” is a contagious disease that is spreading across the small business environment. It’s based on an old fashioned belief that websites are not valuable. As part of this belief, it is assumed that any investment or improvement in websites should be delayed while other things (that don’t bring in new clients) should be prioritized.

Everyone agrees that a small business should have a “good enough” website. However, there are particular things that small business decision makers believe about websites that make them lower it below all other marketing efforts.

I’m going to show you how small business owners have it all wrong! And how they are missing out on a windfall of profits!

The first old fashioned thing small business owners believe is that:

  1. Websites don’t bring more business. But what they really mean is: “Currently my website does not bring me new business and I have no idea how websites can bring me new business”.

The second myth small business owners believe is that:

  1. Websites can be done in house without an expert. They think: “I can do it, Bob can do it, my cousin can do it, my son can do it”. But the truth is that they have no idea what the difference is between an amateur website and one done by a professional with knowledge and a plan.

The third myth small business owners believe is that:

  1. Websites don’t relate to local businesses. What they really mean is: “I have no idea how much local people use the internet to find services”.

The fourth myth small business owners believe is that:

  1. An outdated website is good enough, as long as you have something up there. They think: “We can use what we’ve had on the internet for years, it still does the job”. But what they really mean is: “I didn’t know how bad my website looks and functions compared to my competitors”.

The fifth myth small business owners believe is that:

  1. Websites are just online business cards and brochures. But what they really mean is: “I can’t conceive of leveraging and scaling my brand statewide, nationally, or globally”.

The sixth myth small business owners believe is that:

  1. My business model is different and doesn’t require a website. But what they really mean is: “I only know one way to get customers and it’s the way I currently get them. Websites are just for ecommerce right?”

Don’t feel guilty that you believe in these myths. It’s not your fault. These myths have been spreading like wildfire from old fashioned small business owners.

As a simple example, what is the fastest and easiest way to get more customers for an independent lawyer in 2019–2020? Well, arguably it is to sign up on the internet (international marketplace) as a freelancer on the many legal help websites and bid on projects. And yet, a lawyer takes it for granted that they should spend 1–2k USD a month or more on a physical office lease rather than invest 1–2k a month in online efforts including a digital marketing and website budget.

There is only one cure to this disease that is plaguing your business, and that is to attain the knowledge of your website’s potential.

Because Fact Number One is that your website is your ONLINE INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS!

This info is already basic knowledge to successful businesses. You don’t want to be too old fashioned to evolve. Businesses evolve or die.

If you are fine with where your business is and you’re not interested in having an adaptive organization and you don’t want to grow it, then I cannot help you.

But if you are really interested in getting free information about how to drastically increase your profits, then read on.

These website tips are the keys to scaling your business and bringing in more qualified leads. Weblify’s mission is to get small businesses to value their online headquarters and we use the lean startup methodology.

Small businesses have the potential to change faster than multinationals.

Successful small businesses are using this strength and unsuccessful ones are squandering it on “analysis paralysis” and fear of investing even small amounts into marketing infrastructure and budgets.

So here is the list of WEBSITE BUSINESS GROWTH FACTS that will clear up all of the myths that have been stopping you from growing your business.

A website is your online headquarters.

It deserves as much if not more attention than your physical office or store because it is your face to the international community and all potential partners and clients.

A website is the most important aspect of your modern reputation.

When your daughter meets a new guy, what is the first thing she will do? She will google him and find out if he has a bad background. Guess what potential clients do? Yup, they do their research on you. And you want all of the right information popping up first. Your website is the cornerstone of your online reputation. It is your online face toward the world.

A website either hurts or helps your sales process.

Do you have your website link on your email and your business card? Your social media? Your linkedin? Your brochure? Your Ad? Then you should really care about where you are sending people… so that when they get there, they learn what you want them to learn and they do what you want them to do!

A website reflects your brand.

Is your website old and ugly or smart and professional?

A website should encourage engagement and communication.

Is your website just a static and informational resource?

A website should be a constant lead generator.

When is the last time you got a lead from your site?

A website should convert visitors into customers.

If you have people visiting your site and they don’t contact you, you have a problem with this.

A website should reflect your current offerings (or be timely and relevant).

Are you advertising things that don’t even apply to your business anymore?

A website should be able to be accessed using the tools of the day. (updated every 3–4 years)

If you don’t know if your website is mobile optimized, that means it isn’t.

You should have control and understand your website.

There should not be only a technologist who understands how and why your site works. In other words, you should be an executive who takes responsibility of their online headquarters.

A website should be easy to update.

If you ever think to yourself “I should change that on the website but it’s too hard”, then you have the wrong system.

A professional website is a competitive advantage.

If your website informs and engages and builds trust more than your competitors, you are winning in the marketplace.

When it comes to websites, you get what you pay for.

Your website doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. With all of the value that a website provides, it is worth it to spend as much as you do on one year of office rent, or as much as 5 customers is worth to you.

Luckily though, you don’t have to. A professionally designed site can be as little as a few thousand dollars. You get what you pay for. If you outsource to a foreign country for 5 dollars an hour, you will have communication issues and get a horrible looking site with no strategic plan.

If you think you should put off your website decision until next month or next quarter, you are investing your time and energy into procrastination instead of decisions.

If you think you have to have everything ready before you start a website, it is an inadvertent path to website procrastination.

The old model is that you had to have everything prepared to have a website, but with our model, we finish your website halfway and all you have to do is answer our questions to fill in the gaps. It’s easier to respond to us, rather than generate everything by yourself.

So take the necessary step and move forward on your website investment. We fully stand behind our process and take as much of the risk, time, and effort out of your hands as possible.

You will find that we are the partners who can help you get through this procrastination and help you get the job done and keep your business evolving with the times.

Weblify provides a free demo design to small business owners to show them how they can get qualified leads to contact them. Email me for details.


